Addy’s Kids 5, Born 01/17/2024….THE LAST LITTER!
This litter had 3 males and 3 females.
Addy’s Kids 4, born 5/22/23!
The litter had 5 males and 2 females.
Past puppies
We are striving to become a Breeder of Merit and our breeding pair have whelped two incredible litters. Ask about upcoming litters.
Our pups come with a health guaranty, registration papers for A.K.C and NAVHDA, they are de-wormed, tails docked, and first shots given. They are exposed to loud sounds, and given stimulation which includes positional manipulation; paw, ear, teeth touching, etc. They interact with additional people and are litter trained while very young. If the family is going to hunt, the pup will be exposed to pigeons.
Visit Addy’s Kids and Addy’s Kids TWO on Facebook groups to see how the pups have grown and chat with current owners.