Grooming Services at Big Blue Barn
Our amazing groomers are ready to bathe, cut, trim, shave and pamper your pet as you wish. We will not shave a pet down just to save time! Upon arrival at Big Blue Barn, our groomer will consult with you regarding your pet’s coat condition and advise what may need to be done to make them appear their best!
Our groomers are ready to give your dog a sudsy and refreshing bath, brush them out and clip and grind their nails. For many breeds we offer de-matting, ear cleaning, tooth brushing, shaving, and stripping. Pricing varies by size of dog, length and condition of coat, temperament and to an extent, breed. We can provide a rough estimate over the phone, however a final price is not provided until final evaluation by our groomer.
Nail trim and grind services begin at $8.00
Grooming prices start at:
**Short haired dogs: small breeds start at $55 and $60 for medium and large breeds
**Long haired dogs: small breeds start at $60, medium breeds start at $65, large breeds start at $70.
**Doodles: Small breeds start at $60, medium breeds start at $70, large breeds start at $75
Cats—yes! we groom cats at Big Blue Barn! Prices to be quoted by the groomer.
De-matting starts at an extra $10 for all breeds
Deep de-shedding starts at $75 for all breeds
De-skunk exposure bath/treatment available, call for quote
Flea bath/treatment, call for quote, typically starts at $10. Also requires additional full-service groom
Ear cleaning (wipes) $5.00
Teeth cleaning (wipes) $5.00
Anal gland services $15.00
Nail painting starting at $10.00
When coming for grooming, you must bring proof of current rabies, Bordetella and distemper, parvo (DHPP/DHLPP) vaccinations before any grooming can begin, including nail services. It is preferred that veterinary records are emailed in advance for review, to save you time. Records can be emailed to
Call us at 989-288-1919, email or fill out the inquiry form on our homepage.